We are experiencing a true revolution with ChatGPT and everything that surrounds generative artificial intelligence. And it certainly deserves our attention, but not all of it. On the one hand, it is generating a lot of expectation due to the number of things that can be done and debate due to their greater or lesser clarity. And on the other hand, it generates a certain fear about the  .  Possible jobs that are going to be affected. I think we should look for a way to take advantage of the advantages .  ChatGPT offers us, instead of trying to stop it or deny the evidence, because there is no one to stop this.

ChatGPT's biggest threat to businesses and professionals

For me the biggest threat is not in the jobs (obviously it is very important, but it is something that top industry data we cannot avoid and that has already happened more times. We have to .Therefore, Constantly reinvent ourselves), it is in how it is going to cause a greater increase in the volume of content and what this adds to the changes.  That we are experiencing at a digital level and the consequences that these have for companies. The era of “everything free” in digital is coming to .  An end The advertising-based business model is more than exhausted. Only a few are able to live off the income from “traditional” digital advertising. We see signs in the big players in the industry.

The volume of content multiplies and its reach is minimized

If content is one of the marketing weapons for . SMEs, its visibility is increasingly limited and the attention of our audience is increasingly less, what possibilities do small.  Therefore, Companies have in digital? I have recently written two Phone Number TW articles on this topic that can help us reflect on this: The best digital marketing strategy for SMEs is based on the generation of content (and its distribution through search engines and social networks. Supported by the rest of the channels to achieve conversions. The way to do this is by seeking to “dominate” one of those content . Distribution channels (in a segmented way) and rely on the rest. More recently I talked about how to .Therefore, Apply brand strategies in SMEs , as it is a fundamental piece for our clients to trust us.

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