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Where to find archival documents of a liquidated enterprise?

Even if you are not yet close to retirement age, it is worth taking care to complete all documentation regarding your previous employment. Especially if you have work for at least two decades and have chang jobs.

This documentation is the basis for ZUS when calculating the amount of your pension. It contains information about your earnings, contribution archival documents and non-contribution periods, and benefits you receive from ZUS. However, collecting such documentation can be a problem if the workplace you were once employ by no longer exists. How to deal with this situation? It turns out that there are several ways.

ZUS database – documents of a liquidat company

You can find a lot of information on the ZUS website. The institution has its own database of companies that no longer exist. This applies especially to companies that exist until the 1990s. By entering the name of the company you are interest in, you will receive information about where the documentation is stor. If the company specific database by industry employ up to 20 people before 1999, ZUS already has information about the contribution periods of the employees employ there. In this situation, you must contact the ZUS branch directly, which was responsible for the liquidat company.

specific database by industry

Legal successor and superior authorities

If the company has been privatiz or sold to  where to spend your industrial marketing budget  another owner, all archival employee documentation passes into his hands. He must keep it for the period specifi in the regulations. This is where you should check if you want to obtain documents about archival documents your employment.

Information about the current owner can be business directory found, for example, in the aforemention ZUS database or in the relevant territorial commune office. However, if the company has been liquidat and has no successor, then you must contact the body that found it or was superior to it – most often this is a ministry or a governor.

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