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CPF and privacy law: what you need to know

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. According to this law, the CPF becomes the main identifier of the Brazilian citizen and the only one required in the public sphere. Its purpose is to facilitate access to public services. Even though it is already in force, a deadline was established for the responsible bodies and entities to adapt:

  • Municipal, state and federal governments have a period of 12 months to adapt.
  • The service systems and procedures, in turn, take 24 months to integrate all records.

What will the documents look like?

Therefore, the new documents to be db to data  will carry the CPF number instead of another number. The documents include:

– ID

– Birth Certificate

– Marriage certificate

– Death certificate

– Voter registration card

– National Identification Document

– Employee Identification Number

– Social Integration Programming (PIS)

– National driver’s license

– Work permit

– Passport

– National health card

– Military Certificate

In a situation where the citizen does not have a registered CPF, the issuing body must register them.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva vetoed the 90-day deadline for regulating the law. It was argued that it is unconstitutional for the legislature to set a deadline for the executive.

CPF Law: what is the relationship with the LGPD?

When reading the law, in art. 6, the waist-deep of principles, it is possible to establish a connection with the LGPD with the third principle, that of necessity.

III – necessity: limitation of processing to the minimum necessary to achieve its purposes, covering pertinent, proportional and non-excessive data in relation to the purposes of data processing;

Even though other data may still, the absence of such data will not prevent any type of request from the citizen. In addition, less information will for the system, thus making less information exposed to possible attacks and vulnerabilities.

No need to upload other documents

Some of the documents already b2b reviews  no longer require a purse or wallet to be accessible. The voter ID can be carried on your cell phone and through an app. The same applies to the other documents mentioned above.

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