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How to create an additional product catalog to the one you have on Facebook Business

Let’s face it… The goal of any digital business is to ensure consistent sales. And taking advantage of the benefits of platforms like Facebook Business is key to positioning yourself in the market and captivating potential customers. However, it’s not enough to use just one of these great tools. The Internet is bigger than an ocean and to win and convince you have to go far beyond the giants. There’s a lot you can achieve and learn in less-traveled neighborhoods, for example, how to create an additional product catalog. For this, you have several options. Let’s take a look.

Step by step: How to create a product catalog?

Showing your products and/or services to your customers in a structured, understandable and aesthetic way is a very important step when it comes to selling. But those telemarketing data who manage their businesses digitally have to look for unorthodox solutions to impress… The traditional display cases are no longer enough. That is when you should take advantage of the benefits of creating a good digital catalogue.


1.- Select the products

This may seem like a very basic step, but how do you plan to create a product catalog without selecting the merchandise you will display to your customers? Choosing the type of content you will display is the first step you must take.

telemarketing data

You should also plan in advance how you will display your products, as you will often want to offer promotions or sales. In these cases, it is important to determine how much merchandise falls into this category.

2.- Use templates for the design

Fortunately, most catalog creation platforms or apps can help you establish the visual identity you want to display. Obviously, try to make it compatible with your branding. The truth is that the design you choose may or may not generate interest in consumers. If your catalog is visually appealing and conveys comfort, it is very likely that customers will study it completely and purchase more products than they initially expected.

3.- Incorporate an index

Few people realize the value of indexes in cataloging. If you know how to take advantage of them, you can help your potential customers find the products they want more easily. And you’ll also save a lot of time when searching for certain items, without having to wander through so many pages.

A good layout and structure makes all the difference, so we recommend using categories, keywords and links that lead directly to specific sections. The more practical your catalog is, the better!

4.- Choose the images you will display

Remember that with digital sales, your customers can’t see your products in person, you only have the photos to convey their appearance and quality, so they have to be really good!

Don’t skimp on this. Trust us, the better your images, the higher your sales will be.

Try to show your merchandise in individual images and from different angles, with the best possible resolution. If possible, consult a professional photographer.

5.- Write the descriptions of your products

The best catalogues are not only made up of images, but also show brief descriptions of the products. In fact, this type of information helps potential buyers to resolve their doubts, to convince them to purchase the products and thus generate sales.


6.- Send the catalog to your clients!

After completing the steps above, you are ready to start sending your new catalog. But we have to warn you that doing it manually will waste a lot of time.

If you plan to send a link to your catalog to every potential customer who contacts you, you’ll need to be prepared to be available at all times. Responding immediately when your customers write to you is the only way to guarantee a significant sale. If you acf and cpt user interface: custom fields keep them waiting too long, they’ll get tired and look for other options.

Fortunately, we have a solution for you that will not only make sending your catalog easier, but also the administrative processes. You need to choose a CRM that will send your catalog for you!

When you choose the right CRM for your digital business, you will realize that each of its features will help you improve your customer service. By personalizing automatic messages, you can incorporate the link to your product catalog, so that it can be reviewed by customers who request it.


The CRM that suits you: Whaticket


If you are looking for more than just a tool numbers lists to help you send the link to your product catalogue, Whaticket is your best alternative. We are a platform that helps you with customer service in a comprehensive manner.

Use our chatbot to answer frequently asked questions such as requesting a product list or catalogue, and use your sales team intelligently. With our multi-agent software, you will notice immediate improvements in your processes and conversion rate!

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