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Gmail Bots Google Image Proxy and Google Prefetch Bot User Agent

It is well known that, since before the changes implemented by Apple with its recent Email Privacy Protection policy and, much. More intensively afterwards, Gmail has been preloading images, leading to marginally inflated email opening rates. What is happening on Gmail’s side? We explain.

There are two Gmail bots, the Google Prefetch Bot and the Google Image Proxy. 

MDirector is currently able to detect and. Count bot opens generated by the Google Image Proxy; however, when it comes to the Google Prefetch Bot, ironically, the detection turns out to be a black box, as it could be the interaction of the Google bot or the actual user receiving the email.

Below, we explain how these Gmail Bots work , their differences, and the cases in which Gmail runs them.


Google Image Proxy 

The Google Image Proxy bot takes place once the email has been opened by the user . This is easily detected by our system because it always includes the following bit “via ggpht.com GoogleImageProxy”, thus knowing that it is not a real user opening the email but the Gmail bot.

However, since the Google Image Proxy bot. Works by downloading images when opening an email, once the user actually opens it, in my humble opinion and unless I am mistaken, I do not recommend counting it as a non-real open ( or I would rule it out as a fake open by a bot) ; that is, this Google Image Proxy bot is not necessarily a bot as such; it is an open, but it is masking the loading of images from the real users who actually open the received email. But these receiving users are actually opening the received email.

The Google Image Proxy looks like this, for example:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko Firefox/11.0 ( via ggpht.com GoogleImageProxy )

This Google system is responsible for downloading the images from the email sent to the user receiving the email. The images are downloaded to Gmail not from the origin server, but through a proxy operated by Google. The whole concept of “open tracking” in email campaigns is based on the download of a single image from a pixel. It works as an open tracking pixel, and always after the user has opened the email received in his inbox.

In MDirector you can easily find this information bolivia phone number data in the devices section in the statistics section:



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Google Prefetch Bot/User Agent

The Google Prefetch Bot (User Agent) is activated before the sent email is opened by the user . Opens performed by this type of User Agent Bot how to create a good email marketing strategy for your virtual event occur within the first few seconds of the email being sent; and as long as the user is logged into Gmail or has Gmail running. On their mobile phone. That is, this. Behavior is specific when a user has the Gmail app open in their web browser or is actively using the mobile app. Therefore, it occurs under the following circumstances:

  • A Gmail recipient is signed in and has an active session phone number vietnam open in the Gmail app (either web or mobile app).
  • An email is sent to the Gmail recipient while they are logged in.
  • Gmail preloads all images immediately before the UI displays the email in your inbox.
  • This pre-capture of images is. Added to (and is different from) the openings of Google Image Cache (previously explained), which occurs when the user opens the email.(*)

The Google Prefetch Bot looks like this, for example:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.246 Mozilla/5.0

This scheme makes it difficult for. Systems to differentiate whether it is a Google Prefect Bot or a real user; that is, a human being actually. Opening the email they have received.

Looking at over 9.8B opens to Gmail recipients in December 2021, for the majority of senders, false opens accounted for between 1-6% of opens . Meaning your open rate can increase by up to 2 percentage points ; for example, if you currently have a 20% overall open rate in Gmail, your correct open rate would be closer to 18%. (*Source: Sparkpost)

Although other sources indicate that Google Prefetch Bot can affect around 6.5% maximum.

The degree of impact that Gmail bots can. Have on open rates is subject to a specific set of circumstances, and will typically depend on the number of Gmail contacts listed in the database to which the emails are being sent.

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