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Discover 9 tools that you can integrate with your email marketing strategy

There are many tools to integrate with Email Marketing that allow you to improve the performance of the strategy and obtain better results. Any email campaign can be supported by other applications to improve its performance over time.

There are many tools to integrate with Email Marketing and they can range from classic ones like Google Analytics to much more complex ones. The truth is that they all provide additional information that the email creation Tools for your applications themselves cannot offer and they are responsible for different aspects that influence the strategy.

Integrating applications of different types offers benefits not only for the company that uses them, but also for customers. For example, with external tools you can discover some of people’s interests and therefore begin to offer new opportunities and benefits that allow you to reach these users more efficiently.


Improve your options by integrating tools into an Email Marketing strategy


It is very important to have tools that can be integrated with Email Marketing, since this way you can find out other data that message creation applications cannot offer. And when several marketing campaigns are carried out , the use of other applications can facilitate an important part of campaign planning and the measurement of their results.

Import contacts, insert videos, track, personalize campaigns… They make your life much easier and enable a large part of your email marketing strategy. Integrations  are tools that allow you to

automate processes and obtain the greatest efficiency .

For example, tools can help you manage contacts, personalize campaigns, improve content creation, etc. Additionally, external applications Tools for your help you identify how campaigns have performed and thus know where to focus all resources in the next opportunity. Likewise, you can change, reorganize and manage any campaign better , since you know where the failures were.

In this way, it can be said that combining individual applications with Email Marketing software can help you generate much more powerful and complete campaigns. Without a doubt, it is a great help for your brand to gain notoriety and improve its reputation : sending automated and personalized campaigns to all your clients . Among the specific benefits offered by this strategy are:

  • You can find out where the strategic flaws of the different campaigns developed are.
  • It allows the unification of data obtained from the different applications used, for example, through the integration of a CRM.
  • The status of each client, their interests and tastes are known. This is very beneficial, since it is known what type of strategy to use with them in the future.
  • It helps to optimize all the brand’s resources so that they are used where they are really needed.
  • It can help save time and effort for the canada phone number data company. The entire process can be automated by using additional applications.
  • The more applications work. Towards the same goal, the less likely they are to fail and the better the results are.

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9 Tools to integrate with Email Marketing and boost your campaigns


There are many applications available that can help create 9 growth hacking tricks to apply to your email marketing strategy better email campaigns . The following are the most commonly used tools to integrate with Email Marketing today, as they offer great benefits to the brand and customers:

1.- Typeforms


This is one of the most. Used tools to phone number vietnam integrate with Email Marketing because it allows you to create different types of forms . Its use is related to the creation of special surveys to analyze user satisfaction. It also allows the segmentation of customers according to their interests, purchase history, etc.

Email Marketing integration tools benefit from Typeforms because they can be connected to each other and obtain data such as surveys to get to know customers. This nourishes and benefits the brand’s database. In this way, when sending a message, there is a prior study dedicated to each client and the communication is more personalized.

2.- WordPress

The application for creating web pages and blog texts is one of the most used for integration with emails. With its use, it is possible to know the interests of the people who read or open a certain digital space. This information is then used to send emails that are increasingly adapted to the phase of the user’s purchasing cycle.

Using these tools to integrate emails benefits the company because it offers valuable information to feed the database . In this case, data such as browsing history, CTR , clicks on the page, etc. are obtained.

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