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Privacy in the workplace: what you need to know

In force in Brazil for over two years, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) affects all companies that hold personal data and serves to regulate the processing of personal data on the internet.

It is inevitable that a business with active employees and customers will be influenced by such a law. The fact is that the process affects all layers of companies and those who have power there must be aligned with all types of laws applicable to their business.

Speaking about the relationship between laws and the LGPD and data processing, all information about individuals found must be subject to respect for privacy , and must be treated with the same seriousness, with the same conscious and transparent treatment for everyone.

Providing information for your company

When hiring, providing personal telegram data and sending resumes by interested parties. Despite the possibility of not being selected for the position. It is the responsibility of the data recipient to keep the data safe in their system.

The data subject also has the right to request the removal of his/her personal information in the event of dismissal, dismissal or disapproval in the recruitment process.

When recruiting, you should

Think about what information – including personal data – should be requested and what is necessary and influential when selecting a professional.

For example, some information is essential and must be collected, such as full name, telephone number, and other contact information.

Other information, even if it is engage with your audience as sensitive data. Is not necessary depending on the context and may even lead to discrimination against the data subject when disclosed. Examples of sensitive data include: sexual life, health, political opinion, among others.

Technology tools and privacy at work

In companies, some computers are b2b reviews  to monitor performance. They are used to check whether employees are performing their tasks correctly during their working hours. This is called work monitoring, which can also be used for home office.

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