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9 Growth Hacking Tricks to Apply to Your Email Marketing Strategy

In today’s marketing, one of the techniques for connecting with customers that provides the best results is Growth Hacking for Email Marketing. This method will help you detect opportunities and you will notice quick results that will favor the growth of your company.

Smartphones or tablets.

It’s much more convenient for users and 9 Growth Hacking means that browsing time is shorter than on desktop computers. What you need to do in this case is create mobile-friendly content that is easy to view and consume on them. The key is to focus your UX design on mobile users.


9.- Test frequently


There is no better way to know if your strategy has potential than through A/B testing. These tests consist of running two versions of an email marketing campaign with only one variable different between them to subsequently verify which one generates better results.

You need to determine which variables you want to evaluate and what results you want to achieve. You could see if an email title generates more opens but fewer conversions, or test two different CTAs to see which one encourages more action.

It is important to note that you can not only do A/B testing , but also any type of experiment that is applicable to Growth Hacking. The only 9 Growth Hacking essential requirement is that you trust the data so that you can support your decisions.

For example, if you want you can run a cameroon phone number data version of a software for a select group of clients and then check the results it generates and make the decision of whether or not to include it in the process.


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Grow with your Growth Hacking strategy for Email Marketing

Remember that Growth Hacking for Email Marketing 5 email marketing templates for the arts and entertainment sector always aims at objectives related to the company’s growth. Therefore, it is of great importance that you apply the correct strategies to effectively achieve the goal.

You can combine several of the tricks mentioned phone number vietnam above, you don’t have to work with just one. You’ll need a solid strategy to achieve the overall goal , so complement email with word of mouth, automation, the scarcity principle, and more.

And if you want the process to be even more practical and simple, at MDirector we can lend you a hand. With our Email Marketing software you will be able to create your emails and send them to your subscriber list.

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