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Do beauty salons need to comply with LGPD?

Is your beauty salon already compliant with the LGPD? The General Data Protection Law, No. 13,709, is already in force and applies to all data processing operations carried out by individuals or legal entities. This applies to any means – physical or digital – as long as the processing is carried out in Brazil.

In other words, any company that records data such as name, telephone number, CPF, email, address, among others, must comply with the law. Taking into account that some data is essential and others not so much, the existence of only some information is already an element that requires the process of compliance.

Main concepts of LGPD for beauty salons

Communication is the first step. The General Data Protection Law is a complicated topic that encompasses several risks in which all phone number library must be with security measures.

Raise awareness among the public

Show that the beauty salon they are how tiktok can help your small is following all legal measures. It is important to have terms visible to all customers that demonstrate the purpose of the collection and what is with the data  by the beauty salon.

1. LGPD in beauty salons: purpose of data use

Focused more on digital platforms

Such as delivery platforms, scheduling websites, or any other means in which data is provided by customers.

It is in their interest to know what will be b2b reviews  with the data and what security processes are in place to ensure it. Now, to know what the security process for your data system should be. It is that you have a protective and management technology at your disposal, such as PrivacyTech.

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